„Zehn Eier“
„Ländlicher Raum,
Traum oder Albtraum?
Eine Geschichte über den Tellerrand hinaus, mitten hinein. “
A Short Movie by Joshua Cremer and Chris Eyre-Walker, based on the short story by Andreas Horsch.
Lead Roles: Lucie Hammerschmidt & Christan Roosen
Narrator: Matthias Weiland
Director: Joshua Cremer
Script & Production: Chris Eyre-Walker, Joshua Cremer, Andreas Horsch
Story: Andreas Horsch
Camera & Lighting: Chris Eyre-Walker & Roger Arens
Edit: Chris Eyre-Walker
Music & Sound Design: Dany Gallo
Production Assistant: Catherine Bettendorff & Roger Arens
Special Thanks to:
Hubert Cremer
Rudi Cremer
Irma Collienne
Tony Hilgers
Francis Hilgers
Phillipe Schumacher
Mary Schumacher
Frida the cow